Collaboration Aims
East Harptree and Ubley Primary Schools aim to provide an excellent level of education for all children, a rich creative curriculum, and a wide variety of inspiring experiences. We want our children to feel respected and cared for as individuals as well as part of a strong and supportive community.
We work in a collaborative and supportive way to enable our children to succeed, to celebrate their achievements, and to be proud of who they are and what they can contribute to the world, now and in the future.
We aim for our children to be independent, resourceful, and resilient learners, who are aspirational and confident and care for others and the world around them.
We work in close partnership with the LSP Trust, Chew Valley Hub, and Diocese of Bath & Wells to enhance our educational provision and secure excellence for all children through quality staff development and training opportunities.
We work as a collaborative teaching and learning team to establish an outstanding curriculum with robust planning, assessment, and pupil outcomes at its heart.
We aim to maintain each school's distinctive Church school characteristic and ethos making our schools a special place where our pupils thrive as individuals and members of their local and wider community.
Both schools are rated as GOOD overall by Ofsted (East Harptree February and Ubley June 2023)