The staff team is a dedicated and determined group of professionals who are committed to continuous school improvement. They love all the unique challenges and benefits of teaching in a small school.
Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead and SEND Leader
Mr Ian Harvey
Assistant to the Headteacher, Senior Teacher and Deputy Safeguarding
Mrs Wendy Beck
Hedgehog Class (Reception)
Mrs Julie Howe
Squirrel Class (Years 1 & 2)
Mrs Wendy Beck
Otter Class (Years 3 & 4)
Miss Stephanie Bliss
Fox Class (Years 5 & 6)
Mr Ben Riley
Higher Level Teaching Assistants & Teaching Assistants
Mrs Maggie Coles part-time
Mrs Nicky Taber part-time
Mrs Tain Watson full-time
Mrs Jo Eaton part-time
Secretary and Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Elspeth Tranter
HR and Finance Administrator
Tara Guthrie-Knight
Mrs Lesley Matthews