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Fox Class

Welcome to Fox Class! 

We are a Year 2 class and Miss Seddon is our teacher.

Our class is a positive and caring learning environment, where every child is encouraged to reach their full potential. We focus on building a growth mindset where children are ambitious and can achieve anything if they don't give up and learn from their marvellous mistakes!

Foxes try to do their best by working hard, being kind to others and following the school's rules. House points are given to children who are exemplifying the values of our school and each term the winning house receives a prize! Every Friday as a school we come together to dream, believe and achieve, where we celebrate a Star of the Week and a school value award winner. Our value for this term is Community. 

Helping your child with their learning:


We encourage reading with an adult at least five times each week. Remember to record it in your reading record, which will be checked on Friday afternoons.
We also celebrate children's book recommendations in class and assembly. Please have lots of conversations with your child about the books they are reading, for example, what they liked about it, whether they had a favourite character or who they would recommend it to. 


Doodle maths work will be set once a week to consolidate learning in class.


Spelling tests take place on Mondays and spelling lists will be sent out each term. Please check dojo for more information on this.

Our class book is:

Spaceboy: The epic and funny new children’s book from multi-million  bestselling author David Walliams

Miss Seddon is currently enjoying:

Einstein the Penguin - The Case of the Polar Poachers

Weekly updates about class learning will be posted on Class dojo on Fridays. Pictures will also be uploaded onto the website, please have a look at our recent adventures.

Here is our learning overview for Summer term 2:

 If you have a special skill, job, or knowledge that you would like to share, then we would love to learn from you!  Please message the office or on dojo to let Miss Seddon know.